Hello Eric,
>From the pictures, it's hard to tell, but I would say that it is most
likely an ordinary chondrite.  That said, the pictures aren't clear
enough to tell for certain - to me it almost looks a little bit like a
CR2, but I would only be able to tell with a) the stone in my hands or
b) pictures of a cut surface.

On Jan 23, 2008 12:05 PM, Eric Wichman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi List,
> I've got an Unclassified NWA that looks different than any other
> material I have in my collection. This 11 gram piece is very
> different than the fractured, and common desert varnished "cheap
> stuff" that I've seen.
> Can anyone tell me if this looks familiar? What kind of NWA is this?
> http://www.meteoritewatch.com/images/nwa/DSCN0556.jpg
> http://www.meteoritewatch.com/images/nwa/DSCN0557.jpg
> http://www.meteoritewatch.com/images/nwa/DSCN0558.jpg
> Thanks,
> Eric
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