Hi Michael,
Great to see you on the list! You'll meet a lot of wonderful people
here who are always willing to answer your questions. I look forward
to your posts and hope you make many meteorite friends.
Best to you Mike,

On Jan 28, 2008 10:57 AM, Michael Gilmer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hello Everyone and List Members!,
> I hope this is not a breach of list etiquette and if
> so,
> I apologize in advance for my indiscretion.  I just
> wanted to take a moment and come out of the shadows
> where I have been quietly lurking and soaking up the
> collective wisdom of this group.  My name is Michael
> Gilmer and I am a private newbie collector from
> southern Louisiana.  One of our fellow list members
> got me started on collecting a year ago, and things
> have snowballed since then - with my personal
> collection
> growing by leaps and bounds.  I'm not going to name
> drop,
> because he would probably be embarassed to hear me say
> this, but I consider him my "meteorite mentor" and his
> willingness to answer my questions in a friendly and
> patient matter impressed me quite a bit.  So I want
> to thank him (you know who you are!) and also thank
> the other members of the list for sharing your immense
> knowledge of the field of meteorite collecting.
> I have dived into meteorites head first and started
> buying up the "definitive" books in the field -
> Rocks from Space, Cambridge Encyclopedia, and the
> like.
> I've tried to do my homework on the subject and I have
> tackled it in a similar, almost-obsessive way, that
> I approached telescopes and eyepieces - another hobby
> of mine that eats up my time and money! ;)
> But I still have a couple of nagging questions that
> I really can't find any answers for using the usual
> web searching.  So I'd like to ask those questions
> here. :)
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