On Wed, Feb 20, 2008 at 5:40 PM, Darryl Pitt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  candidly, the fellow clearly has significant psychological/emotional
>  issues.  thought the worst and framed it respectfully---despite his
>  having been vile.  he will not change,dave; he's fully baked---just
>  don't engage with him again.  best/d

Darryl, Dave List,
    By me defending my forum and over reacting to a negative comment.
You(Mr. Pitt) come to the conclusion that I have significant
psychological/emotional issues?I was not aware that Dave's message was
private, I thought it was post for the entire list to read, which is
the same reason I posted it to the list. I really am not a person who
agues with people all the time or a spaz. I do not understand how, by
my message alone That I am unstable and am in need of psychological
help. When I wrote that reply. I was in a terrible mood, I was having
w very bad day, I was not in my normal frame of mind. I am person who
tries to avoid conflict.
        I really do not know how this got soo blown out of proportion.
How can you say I will not change? I do not understand how this got
soo out of hand. I merely spoke my mind about a person who was
belittling the SkyRock Cafe which I have put much time and money into,
so that all meteorite collectors and hunters will have a place to
share photos and stories, also to get a question answered. I analogize
to Dave for over reacting and calling him names, but I do not
understand how Darryl Pitt hats the right to say I have significant
psychological/emotional  issues. That bothers me. How can they think I
have problem, simply because I was defending My forum, I never said
anything about Mr. Pitt and he attacks me. I do not know what that
proves, but it does show his true colors. I want no problems and I
hope that this does not keep people away from the SkyRock Cafe, it is
a great place no matter what goes on here, there is not arguing, no
egos, not beef between members. So I hope that everyone can put this
behind them and check out the SkyRock at give us a chance, if you do
not like it you do not ever have to go there ever again, but You
should just give us a quick look over, I think you will find it to be
a friendly and full of information and people ready to help you with
all of you questions.

Best Wishes,
Joe Kerchner
Meteorite-list mailing list

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