David and List,
I don't know the answer to your questions, but they sure make sense. About a year and a half ago, I finally shut down the Meteorite Impact Forum due to a lack of participation. Even with nearly 200 registered members, there was very little traffic for the final three months. Online forums offer a lot of updated features that the old mail servers don't. The one feature that I really like, and is reason enough to use a forum, is that replies stay in chronological order. I don't know about the rest of you, but it's very frustrating for me to try and read all the replies to a thread in order. I end up reading all the replies and then try guessing what order they should be in. If you miss even one reply, some threads don't make sense. With a forum, this doesn't happen. My only guess is that the Meteorite List has been around for a long time ( I've been here for 10 years) that no one wants to mess with convention. Or, could it be an old dog/new trick issue?



At 12:56 PM 2/21/2008, David & Kitt Deyarmin wrote:
I'm not trying to stir up trouble or incite arguments I'm just curious.

Email lists are by today's standard an antiquated venue for discussing any hobby.

They have many limitations and can be taxing on your email inbox, which is why I receive the Dailey Digest. I delete them and do all of my reading from the archives.

Online forums are easier to use and the posted info is easier to track.

Plus it's easy to ignore topics that you're not interested in without having to pick through a bunch of emails.

However, I would like to understand why so many of the members here prefer not to use forums.

I want to make it clear that I'm not trying stir up trouble, I'm just trying to understand the aversion most of this list has to using a forum.

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