Good morning list.Well Tucson 2008 has come and
gone.It has been 2 weeks now and I sure did have a
great time.It was fun to see everyone again and to
meet new people as well.Last Thursday I got laid off
my job.You know,slow economy,cut backs,last man
hired,etc.Well no problem.I will just be looking for a
new job with better stability and just look a little
harder.But while in Tucson mike farmer and Jim strope
made a comment to me that has literally stuck to my
brain.JUST LIKE MONEY IN THE BANK!I refer to the
SIKOTE-ALIN METEORITE.These pristine pieces are
getting harder to find and are not getting any
cheaper.Since I have returned from Tucson,I have begun
stock piling these meteorites.After purchasing my 1
kilo piece,for $800,I said wow was that a steal.When
is the next time you will see a kilo piece for that or
cheaper?Also since I have returned I have either sold
or traded 14 of my meteorites for more sa's.About 3
kilo's worth.Alot of them are flowlined oriented
pieces.The flowlines are just completely amazing.I
know alot of the collectors love oriented pieces.I can
see why.Trading is always good.I look forward to doing
a little more to get some sa's.I can see why Jim
strope and mike Johnson love the sa's.For your
dollar,and for the best iron out there,to me it is the
best iron you can buy that will still be there for you
after all the others have rusted away.I am not saying
anything bad about many of the others,but sikote-alins
are the platinum standard for irons.I have been taught
to invest wisely and not to buy everything you see
come up.If I see a nice sa I will try and get it,but I
will not break down the bank door just to add it.And
just because a new meteorite falls,does not mean I
have to have it.I still love my gao's and stoney
meteorites,but for irons,this will be the only one I
collect from now on.And as far as a new job?I will
land back on my feet.I always do.I am healthy.(knock
on wood)I have a great wife who loves me.Our 10Th
wedding anniversary is coming up.So I do not have it
bad.Thanks again to mike and Jim for those
thoughts.Just like money in the bank!And from I have
seen and heard from this Tucson show,many people are
changing their collecting habits.And to add a little
humor from a Tucson cabbie,if you do not like the way
I drive,get off the sidewalk.A great day to all as I
am alone for 4 days while my wife goes to Las Vegas
for vacation with here girl friends.WHOO-  HOO!

Steve R.Arnold,chicago,Ill,Usa!!
       The Asteroid Belt!
      Collecting Meteorites since 06/19/1999
      Ebay I.D. Illinoismeteorites

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