I don't understand where the problem is with using water as a coolant. I have been cutting meteorites in water for years with no problems. Just pop the meteorites in an oven ( which I have right next to my saw ) right after they are cut. No Rust.

Using alcohol seems like an unnecessary risk.
What's the deal with the new fall anyways? Does it require specialized procedures for cutting? Its just a chondrite, right?

----- Original Message ----- From: "Adam Hupe" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Adam" <meteorite-list@meteoritecentral.com>
Sent: Thursday, March 06, 2008 6:22 PM
Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] First call for alcohol.

I agree with you, Michael. Bill Mason's additive is
great. It preserves the metal and rubber seals while
allowing the use of distilled water.

Alcohol is extremely harsh on a standard lapidary saw.
Not only is not the best coolant, it dissolves the
grease in the bearings, hardens rubber seals and
posses a fire hazard. I see blades spark all the time
on a high-speed saws when cutting meteorites. The
blade will actually cause the alcohol to vaporize as
it froths up the coolant making it even more prone to
ignition.  Enclose this vapor under a saw hood, add a
spark and kaboom! Even Houdini couldn't escape this

I only mention this because I have heard of others
using alcohol on a standard saw and don't want to read
about burn victims.

Best Regards,


--- Michael L Blood <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

        Use Bill Mason's cutting formula mixed with
Water. You can contact Bill at:
        I use his formula exclusively and have never
seen a
Hint of rust. If you want to be really fussy, (I am)
rinse with
95% to 99% alcohol after and dry in the oven with
the pilot light.
The very cheapest you can get is in Mexico - any
drug store.
        Best wishes, Michael

on 3/6/08 1:49 PM, McCartney Taylor at

> I've been told to cut the new fall in 99% alcohol.
  I've had my
> secretary calling the local grocery stores and
drugstores for this
> stuff, but its not carried. I've been told Safeway
carries it, but
> they're not in Austin.  A local medical places has
it for $16 per pint
> (ouch) which is excessive.
> Can someone give me suggestions for what type of
businesses would carry
> it?  OFF LIST please.
> thanks!
> -mt

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