        Initially, NO ONE sent me any photos of oriented meteorites.
So, I went to the METEORITE OF THE DAY calendar section and
Went through each and every photo ever posted. I picked the oriented
Ones and went about emailing every one of the photographers for
Which I had an email address. Thankfully, the responses have been
Pouring in giving me permission to use their photos.
        (This let me to really appreciate what Mike does for the community
And I PayPalled him a measly $10. However, I realized if everyone who
Looks at his great photos day after day, year after year would PayPal
Him even $2 at least SOME of his expenses could be covered. Band
Width on a web site cost $ and photos take up the most band width.
Please consider sending $2 if you are a poor collector and $5 or $10 if
You are a better off collector or a dealer. I am sure Mike would appreciate
It - you can get the info off his postings).
        However, I am lacking the following:
Photos of the killer oriented specimen Achiem Karl had in Mike
Farmer's room this year... Did ANYONE take photos of this
Fabulous specimen????
Photos of the incredible oriented S-A "Shooting Star" Jim Strope
And Mike Farmer offered show before last (Jim does not have any
Photos of it!)
Photos of the spectacular oriented Taza Bruno Factay sold for $7K
At the Tucson Show before last.
The email addresses of the following:
Herbert Raab
Jorn Koblitz
Larry Atkins
Nelson Oakes
Svend Huhl
        If anyone has info on any of the above, PLEASE CONTACT ME OFF LIST.
        Thanks, Michael


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