Michael Casper's favorite tactic for ripping people
off who sold to him was to agree to a price, receive
the goods, then send a much lower payment. He did this
to me, and just about every other seller I know. He
used this on foreigners a lot, since they had
virtually no recourse against him. He would send a
check for the lower amount, then refuse to pay the
rest, what could the seller do? Usually they just took
the loss, Casper played hardball that way, he is
nothing more than a common gutter thief. Ask the
Russians, ask many list members, he was good usually
to the buyer, just ripped sellers off. 
Michael Farmer

--- "E.P. Grondine" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hi Mike - 
> This is very sad to hear about. As near as I knew,
> when specimens from NWA began to appear, but before
> prices had really started to fall, Casper simply
> decided to get out of the business, liquidating all
> his holdings, a move which mystified many at the
> time.
> I did not know Casper had damaged so many dealers in
> doing so. Could you provide more details on the
> transactions? Did he return the meteorites he had
> contracted for, but not sold? Or did he simply
> decide
> not to take acceptance?
> Oh well, a sad end to Cornell's curator of
> meteorites.
> E.P. Grondine
> Man and Impact in the Americas
> >Michael Casper is a thief, criminal, and total
> >scumbag. He is like a virus that moves from
> business
> >to business, taking what he can, then leaving
> >overnight. I won a lawsuit against him, (have never
> >seen a dime yet) and when he left the business, he
> >left owing many people over $100,000. He got the
> >Russians alone for almost $70,000. He spent tons of
> >money when he was big, so dealers would sell him on
> >credit, he left and simply refused to pay them all
> at
> >the end. I know that he has done the same in coins,
> >now he has moved into solar energy.
> > www.caspersolar.com
> >This is a typical way that con-men operate, they
> come
> >in huge, do real business, then vanish overnight
> with
> >the money. Thank god he is gone from meteorites, he
> >was the biggest buffoon and damaged the market more
> >than anyone I know of. He loved to buy high and
> sell
> >low when he saw something else he liked more.
> >Michael Farmer
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