On Wed, 19 Mar 2008 07:40:07 -0700 (PDT), you wrote:

>Hello List,
>  Would any members be able to help with a question I
>have regarding the "impact-duration-time" (???) of
>some typical falls? I don't know if that's the best
>terminology to use, but what I mean is: What would be
>a "typical" measure of time between the impact of the
>FIRST (known) individual at the start of the
>strewnfield, and the fall of the LAST (known)

Okay, I'm just pulling this out of my rear, so take it as you will, but
shouldn't they all land at pretty much the same time?  The vertical component of
their speed is provided by gravity, and should be mostly the same for all pieces
except for small differences in areodynamics caused by different shapes of
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