Hi Darren, all - 

Good article - it reminds me of Schulz and Rio Cuarto.

The Holocene start impacts are a scientific claim and
they do have to be able to withstand rigorous review.

For myself, I can't find a good reason for the peoples
to have made up extravagant stories about stuff
falling from the heavens and killing large numbers of
people, and giving these stories such importance. What
they described reads to me as cometary impact.

Many feel free to simply dismiss their traditions as
myths and nonsense. But they shouldn't be shocked if
the next round of research proves cometary impact. 

Why? In the end, we get down to the disappearance of
Clovis, and more significantly, the abandonment of
quarries - in other words, about 95% of the population

Impact fits the bill. If anyone else has any other
explanation then I hope they share it.

E.P. Grondine
Man and Impact in the Americas

PS - The sceptical also kite by the C14 production
rate increase. I think they're whistling pass the
grave yard.


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