Hateful personal attack from list member via email.

This from an attorney.  Very professional.

> What a crock. It's your ranks that are swollen with
> people sole motivation
> is profit before integrity. Integrity? In the
> Meteorite community? That's
> funny. It's your ranks are swollen with thieves,
> scammers, liers, con
> artists, and profiteers.
> And besides, everyone talks about the dollar value
> of their collections. Not
> much different from Beanie Babies.
> What you said was stupid. Show your proof! 
> Indictments are NOT being handed
> down on a WEEKLY basis. Show us at least 70 "major
> player" indictments in
> the last year.
> You will never have controls in the meteorite
> markets when the supply of new
> and/or rare material is controlled by a few dealers
> that fix the prices.

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