Now back to innocent meteorites:

Dear collectors,

The premiere of our new Martian was a full success, the reviews about the
material were unanimously positive, from highly delighted to enthusiastic.

So we want to thank all for having accepted that offer so vividly.

In fact we sold more then expected and planned (and actually as we liked to
at that price) - but no way out, as we promised that the 400$/g will be
available until this Sunday.

Stefan had to prepare two series of slices more, additionally to those from
the initial special-page; more than half of the stone will have been gone in
slices after this week.

Therefore, as announced in the first ad, we will double the price to a well
justifiable average of 800$/g from Monday on and again, we'd ask you not to
be angry, if we can't give it away later at the price of this week anymore.

Here now, if you weren't sure yet, whether to take advantage of the offer, 
the very last specimens from the 3rd series:

A last fullslice, category:  from "Center piece" to "Mars of my Life", 
and seven partial slices, some with an extra portion of the crispy light
weathering rind.

All the Best!
Martin & Stefan

Chladni's Heirs
Munich - Berlin
Fine Meteorites for Science & Collectors

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