Mike Bandli writes:

"...hardcover edition of Norton's RFS...scan the Bruderheim
image on page 164 ...so I can compare it to my specimen."

Anne writes:

"The picture of the Bruderheim on page 164 is exactly the same."

Hello All,

That's right, the pictures on p. 164 are exactly the same but Martin
Horejsi was referring to pages 188 and 189 when he wrote:

"the picture of Bruderheim on page 189 looked a little too rich in
chondrules. This is, of course, because that picture is not Bruderheim
at all but likely Moorabie, an L3 from Australia. How do I know this?
Because the exact same picture appears on page 188 with the presumed
correct caption."

The 2002 hardcover edition has Moorabie on p. 188 and Bruderheim on
p. 189, whereas RFS II (1998) has Moorabie on both pages (whilst the
caption on p. 189 says "Bruderheim, Alberta, Canada").

Best wishes,


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