If I understood well, the right thing to do with a new meteorite is to sell it in ebay! I prefer to say that a standard protocole must urgently be implemented by the authorities of each country, with the objective of properly mapping the strewfield, collecting and preserve all the material for serious scientific studies.
I hate to see little turtles and coins made of meteorites, for sale.

----- Original Message ----- From: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <Meteorite-list@meteoritecentral.com>
Sent: Monday, April 14, 2008 5:10 PM
Subject: [meteorite-list] WG: meteorites not being able to

We need only look to Peru to understand the expertise and efficiency that
governments can bring to bear in order to secure critical scientific data.
The carpetbaggers that plundered the site of the recent fall merely
recorded locations, masses, eyewitness accounts, and such like. They did
absolutely nothing to secure the all-important mud hole! Maybe they are
not all bad, though. They did donate specimens to scientists that had real
microscopes and ion probes and what not.

Concerning the "unknown they are losing", is that the known-unknown or the

Paul Swartz

Any scientific data that is lost to the country. Right now it might seem
trivial, but just like antiquities, they are a non-renewable resource.
meteorite will never fall again.
And in the future, knowing where strewnfields are, how they oriented,
class and quantity, could have some significant meaning.
It's the unknown they are loosing.

Mark Ferguson

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