Hello Again:

Thank you to everyone who responded to our question about the Meteorite
magazine DVD. I have responded to a few of you, but owe many others
personal responses. We are hoping to get to work on this over the summer
when our copy person, Richard, is out of school and has more free time.

We are just finishing the proofs of the May issue of Meteorite and that
means we are starting to compile our list of authors for the August issue.
However, we still need more articles!

A number of you have "promised" articles, so it is now time to uphold your
promises. Our deadline is May 19, just a month away.

If this is too soon, there is always mid-August for the November issue!
Just let us know.

As we said in our last "Call," articles should be on the order of 1,000 to
2,500 words (longer ones may end up as 2-parters) with 4 or 5 pictures.
Also, don't forget, if you have read a relatively new (less than about 2
years old) book, think about writing a review article about it.

Thank you for your continued support of YOUR magazine.

Larry and Nancy Lebofsky
Editors, Meteorite magazine

Meteorite-list mailing list

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