Hi Sterling, Elton,

Just catching up with the mail here, as I have been
out selling my book.

Contra Muller and Morrison, the most likely injection
mechanism is not a companion body but rather cometary
impact due to gravitational fluctuation caused by our
solar system passing through our galaxy. In this case
most likely a cometary impact "disrupted" an
asteroidal parent body, and we should be seeing signs
of this in our "samples", the L meteorites. We now
have an estimated period for their "condensation",
"gravitational differentiation" within the parent

We also gain a mechanism for setting the crater count
clock throughout the solar system, and once the
neutron and proton production are sorted out, and the
percents and travel times to other bodies, a pretty
good one.

E.P. Grondine
Man and Impact in the Americas

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