On Mon, 23 Jun 2008 16:48:04 -0400, you wrote:

>And besides, some of the greatest astronomers of all time were 
>astrologers, and the entire Cristian faith justified its begining with 
>an astrological signal among the WISE MEN ... a.k.a. ASTROLOGERS.  To 
>them we owe our early understanding of the heavens and plenty more.

Believing in incorrect theories in the absence of enough evidence is one thing--
cointinuing to believe in faulty theories even in the face of knowledge is a
world of difference.  15th century astrologers I have no problem with.  21st
century astrologers get nothing but the deepest scorn and contempt from me.  Let
me be even more blunt-- anyone in any modern, industrial country with access to
a decent education who believes in astrology is a f*****g nitwit.  (I could say
similar things about another of your examples, but don't want to open THAT can
of worms).

>Or did the IAU in their "in-your-face" wisdom just outlaw astrologers, 

If they do, I'll chip in for some barbed wire to go around the internment
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