While this is not a copper meteorite, some of  the fresher SaU 001 show a 
strong copper finish or "patina".  Does any one  know if this is a result of 
vaporization of metals in the meteorite or just an  unusual weathering process?

I have reasoned it is a result of heat and  not weathering as the more 
weathered examples no longer display this  feature.

Tom Phillips (Back in Idaho!)

In a message dated 7/7/2008  8:17:38 P.M. Mountain Daylight Time, 
"The only  known copper meteorite in the world."  Which is that?  Who   
has it today?  I would like to catch a glimpse of it if I  could.

Mike in CO

On Jul 7, 2008, at 1:48 PM,  [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

>  http://www.rocksfromspace.org/July_7_2008.html
>  **************Gas prices getting you down? Search AOL Autos for
>  fuel-efficient used cars.       (http://autos.aol.com/used? 
> ncid=aolaut00050000000007)
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