Hey List,

Here is the actual audio clip of NASA Moon-Walking  Astronaut Dr. Edgar 
Mitchell (6th man to walk on the Moon) talking  about real space aliens on UK 
interview with Kerrang!  Radio.



If NASA has communication with aliens, why don't we use them to get  asteroid 
samples as well as Martian and Lunar specimens?

I only include  that last line to keep this "on topic" for our list.  

But it does  beg the question, what else is NASA covering up?  And if there 
is a real  cover up, I would expect they will try to shut up Dr. Mitchell very  
quickly.  Then again, if there is no real cover up, I would expect they  will 
try to shut up Dr. Mitchell very quickly. 

Should we expect that the  good Doctor will be "abducted" soon, and we will 
never hear from him ever  again?

NOTICE:  There is no "Joke" disclaimer placed ANYWHERE in  these email.

Steve #1

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