Ok, lets put this to bed. 
I have received a flurry of phone calls demanding clarification, so here goes.
This event took place at least 7 years ago. It does not involve ANYONE who is 
organizing charity events these days. I am not accusing anyone who is currently 
doing these good deeds, not Notkin, or Anne Black, or Maria, come on, I am just 
in disagreement about some of the methods used, which led to myself and others 
being ripped off in the past. Money was given and much less money ended up in 
the hands of the intended recipient. This left a very bad taste in my mouth. 
This is not so complicated as people are making it out to be. 
I was offended by Mal's email. Since he publicly tried to crucify dealers and 
big collectors for not showing so much interest in helping Gary Foot by 
participating in the charity auction, I publicly responded as to my own reason 
for not being out there giving or bidding. 
I will put an item on eBay, and the buyer can pay Gary Foote directly, this 
will be my way of helping and that way I know that every cent goes to the 
intended use. 
Michael Farmer

I wish Gary and his family well, and I think it is good that people are trying 
to help him. 

--- On Thu, 7/24/08, Michael Farmer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> From: Michael Farmer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] [IMCA] A Feeling Of Shame
> To: meteorite-list@meteoritecentral.com, "Charles Austin Miller" <[EMAIL 
> Date: Thursday, July 24, 2008, 1:32 PM
> I want to clarify to the list that in no way am I
> implicating Maria in any wrongdoing, it seems that is how
> my email came off, so I will clear this up right now, no
> Maria is not in any way who I am speaking of, they know who
> they are. 
> I merely wanted to say that I and other have been scammed
> in bogus donation schemes in the meteorite-list world where
> money did not reach the intended recipient or go to the
> desired use. I am not going to discuss that incident
> further, so don't ask, it would serve no purpose at
> this point but to cause bad things which we don't need
> at this time. I will no longer just donate things to raise
> money unless it is done in a very clear way for all to see
> such as a live auction or ebay auction, only when procedes
> are sent directly the person, not through a third party or
> the seller. There is just too much room for mistakes or
> theft. 
> Michael Farmer
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