I believe this to be from a British Columbia newspaper.


One hundred years ago …
Published: July 28, 2008 5:00 PM 
Updated: July 28, 2008 5:35 PM The following article appeared in the 
Ladysmith-Chemainus Chronicle’s first-ever year of publication, in 1908. 


Message from Mars

Willie McKinnon, the fourteen year old son of Mr. Angus McKinnon underwent a 
most startling experience, and had a miraculous escape from death on last 
Thursday morning.

While working in his father’s garden about half past eleven o’clock, a meteor 
about ten inches long was hurled through space and buried itself in the ground 
about eight feet from where the boy was standing. The meteor could be heard 
coming for several minutes before it struck the earth, but the lad thinking it 
was a train passing, took no notice until the celestial visitor struck the 
earth, sending the rocks flying in every direction and causing an effect like 
an earthquake in that vicinity. The boy was naturally greatly alarmed at the 
occurrence and rushed into the house to acquaint his parents with the very 
strange happening.

On visiting the spot it was found that the meteor was still intensely hot, and 
not for over half an hour could it be handled.

The meteor or whatever it was that fell looked much like an ordinary boulder 
except that it was almost as round as a marble and the surface was deeply 
scored with what resembled hieroglyphics. 

The meteorite had passed through the branches of two trees in its flight 
snapping them off like matches.

It fell at an angle of about forty-five degrees and was traveling in a 
north-westerly direction when it struck the earth.

Mr. McKinnon has spent most of his time since the incident trying to interpret 
the meaning of the markings on the stone and will be glad if someone who has 
knowledge of these things will try and help him out.

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