Hi list,  I have completed my move back to  Idaho and my scopes are set up as 
well.  Jeff Hodges has some new thin  sections heading my way and here in 
Idaho, I'll have plenty of time to work on  them.

I have had many emails on my last screen saver and every one has  been quite 
complimentary.  The big test of a screen saver is not how  attractive the 
images are but rather how well it works.  Paul (Meteorite  Times) set it up and 
made it work great.  In all the emails I have  received, no one has mentioned 
any operational problems.  Please check it  out 
http://www.meteorite.com/meteorite-gallery/screensaver/    It  is free and it 
down loads quick and smooth.   
The site Paul set up  allows you to click on images and check them out before 
you commit to a down  load.  I try to make my work more about art and beauty 
than  classification.  Even if you have no interest in petrographic images you  
will appreciate the beauty in these images. 

The August Meteorite Times  issue will be out in a few days.  I have a little 
section in it where I  share micrographs of some recent work.  This month I 
have a load of NWA  5000 shots.  Michael had posted 6 images on his Photo of 
the Day a couple  months ago so many of you have seen some.  This article will 
have many  more.  Additionally, when the August Meteorite Times is posted, 
about 75  images (sorted by image technique and magnification) will be posted 
my  Micrograph Gallery.    http://www.meteorite.com/meteorite-gallery/  

The best part  is,  Paul has set up 8 images on coffee mugs and 2 on Tee 
shirts.  We  have a CafePress shop.  These mugs and shirts are being sold with  
absolutely no mark up for my self or Paul.  It is as cheep as we can make  
 Mugs are $10.99.  I love the mugs.  At that size the image  is brilliant and 
I have used some earlier mugs for several months with no fading  of the 
image.  Please check it out, I would be taking the shots anyway, but  Paul puts 
a lot of work to get this stuff set up.  The site is  

If you get a chance,  give me an email and let me know what you think.

Tom Phillips  

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