Hi Paul - 

Thanks for the note. Since I've had a stroke, detailed comment is beyond me. 

I have to agree with Charlie though:


"biggest pile of statiscal gooble-de-goo I've seen for a while"

What the archaeologists are looking at is the death of about 95% of the people 
living in North America at 10,900.

The transition is estimated to have occurred in 2 years. It would seem to me 
that as far as the pollen cores goes, it would appear that the variation that 
must be looked for in those cores is a very very small 2 year layer.
Same plants immediately before and after, just a small period of starvation in 

My own bottom line is that the peoples remembered cometary impact, and the 
Shawnee multiple ones.  You can belittle those accounts as you will, but then 
you have to come up for another reason for their creation and the importance 
they were given.

E.P. Grondine
Man and Impact in the Americas

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