The Wayback Machine can be SLOW as molasses at times and you may have hit it
at a bad time. It doesn't work by just typing meteorite names. You need to
enter an URL. Here is what you should do:

Type the web URL ( after the http:// in the box
labeled 'Take Me Back' and click the button. 

After this it should bring up a list of Dates (years and months) of archived
web pages within the URL. I typed in and it goes
back as far as 2002. Here is a direct link:*/

Mike Farmer's goes back further and is pretty neat. Lots of old pics there.
It's interesting to see how everyone's websites have evolved.

Hope this helps!

Mike Bandli

-----Original Message-----
From: Michael L Blood [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Monday, August 25, 2008 2:26 PM
To: Mike Bandli; Meteorite List
Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] Wayback Machine for Meteorites

Hi Mike and all,
        I bet at least some of the list members are no more savvy
Than I about computer workings. So, I ask this question here:
I went to the Way Back Machine to which you refer below.
        I typed in a meteorite name and hit "go" - got a black
Page. Typed in "Proud Tom" and same results.
        Went to the "http" box and typed in my own website -
Same result.
        Might you tell me/us HOW THIS IS SUPPOSED TO WORK?
        I bet there is a way..... Just ain't savvy enough....

on 8/25/08 1:01 PM, Mike Bandli at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> Just type the meteorite or dealer url in the Wayback Machine and prepare
> be astounded at all the information archived from the past 10 years.
> a webpage was deleted forever? Not the case! I'm sure some of you have
> already seen this, but this site has been extremely helpful in finding old
> information and photos of meteorites purchased in the past. It was also
> helpful in tracking the provenance of one specimen and finding pre-cut
> images of others. It is interesting to look back at pricing from many
> ago. Believe it or not, we still have it good. Be careful, though... I
> over 4 hours perusing old sites and downloading pictures and info. It's
> addicting.
> Kind regards,
> Mike Bandli
> IMCA #5765
> ______________________________________________
> Meteorite-list mailing list

If you don't send this to at least 8 people.....
who gives a crap.  

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