Hi Geoff,

This is a great way to expand interest in meteorites. People interested in
geology are a natural audience to be fascinated by meteorites. I was only
interested in minerals until someone let me hold a Sikhote-Alin. I was
hooked instantly. I suspect (and hope) your great photos and articles will
have a similar effect on many of those geology enthusiasts out there.

Best Wishes,
Jim Baxter

> Dear Friends and Listees:
> Greetings from sunny Tucson, AZ.
> I am delighted to announce a new online monthly meteorite column
> entitled "Meteorwritings." It will be presented exclusively on Dr.
> Hobart King's Geology.com -- one of the world's top science websites.
> The first installment, "What are Meteorites?" went live this evening.
> The column is aimed at a broad audience, so you meteorite experts will
> already be familiar with the topics and concepts covered, particularly
> in the early installments. As the column progresses, we will look at
> more advanced topics, and we do have a few treats in store.
> Each month the column will feature new, original photography by my
> design and photography assistant, Leigh Anne DelRay, and myself. I
> hope you'll find the images, and the column itself, to be enjoyable.
> "Meteorwritings" is currently featured on the front page of the site:
> www.geology.com
> And its home page lives here:  http://www.geology.com/meteorites/
> As the months go by we will compile an archive of past columns for
> easy viewing.
> I'd like to thank Dr. King for this marvelous opportunity to reach out
> to a wider audience, and also my staff: Timothy Arbon who illustrated
> our beautiful banner, and Leigh Anne DelRay for her author's portrait.
> Oh yes, and Tim came up with the column title too. Clever lad that he
> is!  : )
> Comments and feedback much appreciated as always, and thanks for
> reading.
> Watch the skies!
> Geoff N.
> Aerolite Meteorites of Tucson
> www.aerolite.org
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