Gee, this looks an awful lot like ALHA76001, to name a specific Antarctic meteorite! Compare the photo of a larger slice of "ALH 761" in Japan with the ebay photo:

For several years, I have wondered what happened to the 3800 g piece of this meteorite, which was supposedly once in the Field Museum collection in Chicago (according to MetBase). However, that meteorite and its siblings from 1976 have not been in the Field collection for a long time. Is it possible this is it? Maybe one of you knows the history of these meteorites well enough to speculate.


Jason Utas wrote:
Hola Darren, All,
The story may be crazy, but that meteorite shows weathering exemplary
of Antarctic meteorites.  Note the thin cracks - almost certainly
lined with evaporites, hence the white lining.  Also note the fresh
exterior and weathered interior.  Bassikounou?  Nothing like it.  More
like Antarctic material, to be frank, which, other than ice-blasting,
typically shows little-to-no external weathering and varying degrees
of internal oxidation.
It is a crazy story, but, to be frank, it's either a fresh stone from
a salty terrestrial environment that's been laying around for a very
short time in very wet conditions, or it is, in fact, from an ice
field (somewhere).  I've never seen such weathering features on a
meteorite from...anywhere else.  Have a look at those pictorial
catalogs of Antarctic meteorites if you don't believe me - you'll see
what I mean.

On Tue, Oct 14, 2008 at 12:13 AM, Darren Garrison <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
On Mon, 13 Oct 2008 22:27:56 -0500, you wrote:

Here is a link to a "South Pole Meteorite"
The story sounds kinda lame to me.
Story is crazy, but meteorite looks nice.  Whaddya think, Bassikounou?
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