Hi Michael,

I have submitted a piece of Zunhua, but see nothing on the auction catalog 
webpage as of today. I remember that, when you received the photos and 
description, you just said: thanks, looks good. Michael.

Best wishes,
Ma Lan
Beijing China

--- On Fri, 11/14/08, Michael L Blood <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> From: Michael L Blood <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] Tucson Meteorite Auction Ad
> To: "Meteorite List" <meteorite-list@meteoritecentral.com>
> Date: Friday, November 14, 2008, 4:30 AM
> Greetings all,
>         While I am looking foreword to seeing everyone in
> Tucson
> I must admit that with the combination of increased
> overhead
> and a HUGE lack of response to requests for entries in the
> auction,
> it is entirely possible this will be the final Tucson
> Meteorite Auction.
> Perhaps it has run its course. Personally, I hope not.
> While it is
> A LOT of work, it is, at least for me, a LOT of fun - and
> it has
> Always seemed to be a lot of fun for all who attend.
>         HOWEVER:  
>         Deadline for minimum commission entries is in two
> days
> And I have 7 entries (usually, by this time I have 70 or
> 80). I
> Have to sell about $25K worth of specimens just to brake
> even,
> so, this is looking dismal as the sponsor of the event. It
> is always
> Possible tons of entries will come in at graduated fee
> rates as
> The event grows nearer and nearer, but that has never been
> the
> Case in the past. At least 75% of the items tend to be
> "in" and
> "up" in the on line catalog by now.
>         Now, this will still make for an exciting auction,
> as there
> Will undoubtedly be at least a few more entries and, most
> important
> To the bidders, there will  be plenty of room to allow for
> all the
> late entries, many of which I have turned down in the past
> and
> most of which turn out to be large whole Stones & Irons
> with
> no minimum - so, buyers will have a field day.
>       Also, Jerry Armstrong's lecture should be very
> meaningful - so
> Much so that I am hoping to have him audio tape it for me
> so I
> Don't miss it, myself. So, while THIS auction will go
> on, it is
> Looking like it will be a large financial loss which I can
> take only
> Once. If so, then, of course, this will be the 10th and the
> final.
> Not to worry if you are a buyer, as you will have a ball,
> no doubt:
> Jerry's lecture, Twink's Gold Bason Birthday Cake,
> food and
> Open bar with a hundred or more meteorite buddies tends to
> Make for a great time.
>         I suppose it is entirely possible people are going
> to flood me
> With entries of high quality with no minimums over the next
> few
> Weeks or so, but I  am not holding my breath. On the other
> hand,
> People seeing how few entries there are may realize their
> piece(s)
> Will be in higher demand, so, feel more inclined to  enter
> specimens.
>         Those that are thinking of submitting can still get
> the lowest
> Possible fee by submitting a list of the entries in the
> next 48 hrs
> Even if they have yet to take digital photos - I will
> extend the
> Deadline for photos on a person by person basis.
>         Please submit high quality pieces only, as $10 and
> $20 items
> Are not going to keep the doors open. If you enter 10 or 20
> items,
> some at the low end are fine, of course.
>         I hope I am wrong and have a flood of work over the
> next
> Couple of weeks.   
>         Best wishes, Michael
> Save huge $ on gas mileage:
> http://go4best.water4gas.hop.clickbank.net/
> Info on Govnt. Spending (BEFORE current "Bail
> Out"):
> http://www.michaelbloodmeteorites.com/GvntSpending.htm
> Totally Green by Twenty Eighteen
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