Hi Doug - 

Not being fluent in Mayan, I had to rely on the translations of the hieroglyph 

As for how the Maya knew about the impacts, the fragments were visible for a 
long time, they watched them come in, and the resulting ecological collapse was 
catastrophic. Everyone who survived talked about it afterwards, and I have 
little doubt that the Maya, "Olmec", and others dispatched "researchers" to the 
impact site.

When are you going to get out your magnifying glass and read your copy
of "Man and Impact in the Americas"?

good hunting, 

>Ed, it's interesting that the Maya had a date for Rio Cuarto.  Don you
>believe the Comenchingones communicated with the great Maya
>astronomers?   Or how else could you propose the Maya knew about
>craters in the heartland of Argentina?  They are nearly as far away
>from the craters as equatorial Africa is, right?!

>Best wishes, me^ tak'in,

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