This whole discussion brings back memories of out Moss CO3 hunt and subsequent 
recovery of the Morten Bilet/Michael Farmer stone, ~900 grams out of 3.6 kilos 
total recovered. 
Many of us meteorite hunters from both USA and European countries, Poland, 
Sweden, Norway, Germany, UK, Canada etc were all hunting there and in the news. 
I got a call from the people at the Norway National university in Oslo who 
curate meteorites. They came on the bus to lecture me about destroying science 
by collecting meteorites for private purposes. They then said that Norwegian 
law allowed for any finder to own a metorite, but they did not like that at 
all. They then promptly ended the meeting saying that they had to catch a bus 
back to Oslo, despite the fact that the hotel was exactly in the center of the 
strewnfield. They had no desire to actually search!
Days later, Morten and I found nearly a third of this rare meteorite in a 
parking lot, many of the pieces already destroyed by cars running over them and 
heavy equipment smashing them to dust. I have photos of the gray dust marks 
that days before had been large fragments of the Moss meteorite. 
Without us, Moss would consist of barely 1.5 kilogram in the three pieces 
(toilet hitter, tree cutter, and roof smasher).  A later newspaper articles was 
titled "STOP, Meteorite THIEVES" funny, it is hard to steal what is legal to 
find and own. 

Then we can take Puerto Lapice, our team recovered over 30 stones, nearly 1/3 
of the total known weight of that rare Eucrite, and Spain went crazy, calling 
us thieves although Spain has no law preventing meteorites from leaving Spain. 
We went 4 MONTHS later, after 99% of the strewnfield had been completely plowed 
over and destroyed. Had we not done that, those stones would have been lost as 

Science and private hunters work well together when we try, and trying to block 
on the other only leads to fewer recoveries and loss of science and material 
for all.

I think this Canadian fall will go well, I havent read much that shows 
Michael Farmer

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