Hi Elton, this post is not in any way intended to be  a attack, trolling, 
disparagement, of you or anyone else who feels the same way. And the meteorite 
working group, would perfer this conversation be OFF-LIST. We don't want this 
to be a meteorite list issue! Instead of discouraging other people, which you 
have obvisouly acclompished with flying colors. Come and join in our 
discussion. Get to know the people you are calling untalented auto salesman, 
and see if when you are done you still think of us as selfish, greedy self 
centered folks, who only have their own self intrest at heart. A dicussion is 
all it is at this point. If the idea gets far, and you still disagree. Then 
bash it all you want. Our group already stated that we want a private 
dicussion, you are trying to bash us in a public forum, not very nice. Maybe 
somebody can make comments on your moral judgement and nature for doing so, but 
that is not in our nature, so we cannot comment on
 that. I have already responded to your post in Mike's yahoo chat group. 
Anybody who is intrested, should go there and comment. You can find my post as 
well as others at http://groups.yahoo.com/group/meteoriteworkinggroup/
Have a Great Day!
John Higgins

----- Original Message ----
From: Mr EMan <mstrema...@yahoo.com>
To: valpar...@aol.com; meteorite-list@meteoritecentral.com
Sent: Friday, December 26, 2008 2:47:31 AM
Subject: [meteorite-list] Alternative Meteorite Group Track Records

Hello Folks--  Season's greetings. I just wanted to share some thoughts on  
forming new meteorite interest groups--past empire building in the meteorite 
world in general and why some succeeded and some failed. Please, no one take 
this as an attack, trolling,disparagement, discouragement, or a "dissing" of 
anyone.  It is not directed at any one, although it may have been bumped to the 
forefront by Mike's recent thread. An honest idea was proposed and I am not per 
se addressing his proposal in any way so please keep an open mind.  On this 
list we are as close as can be to inclusive(99%) in having a collection of 
members within the existing meteorite interest niches.  As a long time member  
with observations regarding "empire building" as an alternative to the 
Meteorite Central list, The Meteorite Times web space, IMCA, etc.  there have 
been a plenty.  I could list a long string of people who wanted to make a big 
splash campaigning to
 improve/perfect the
culture they did not remotely understand. In spite of -- or because of--self 
caused blunders, there were many patient old timers willing to  advise them on 
how to get oriented to the list rather than making the list fit around them.  
They tried to help them get up to speed and direction with the technical side, 
the meteorite market, and the meteorite culture often being rebuffed, accused 
of trying to squash competition, or rejected as not knowing what they were 
talking about.  What was hard for some  novices to accept was that their own 
mindset was the reason they were unable to make inroads into the community as a 
true mover/shaker.  There were many more that took the help and are strong 
respected contributors today.

Not wanting to get in their way, the long-time members stepped aside, letting 
them fall into craters of their own making--some many times over.  Many, many, 
times we have seen Internet/ web page savvy folks offer to provide  
" to the meteorite forum communities.  For the majority of those past forums, 
I'd have to look hard to see if they were still around.  Some were more noble 
than others.  There were some who spend a lot of effort making dust clouds 
promoting a solution looking for a problem.  When the dust settled they sat 
wondering what went wrong and why their enterprise/forum/ efforts failed to 
hold attention.  

Just in passing, there are several meteorite interest groups/ mailing lists: 
some active but with only duplicate postings, some are inactive/abandoned with 
only newbie postings who never bothered to look at the membership numbers or 
posting activity,  some private technical lists which are by invitation only, 
and of course-- the dealer's own list where ads go directly to the member.  For 
reasons beyond the scope of this babbling of mine, 99% of all the inhabitable 
niches for this hobby have been taken and are being served well by the host. 
There is a saturation point and economy-of-scale even in this field of 
interest.  In the words of a frequent poster "it is a free county" so anyone 
coould feel free to start up all the groups or forums they wish--the Internet 
is a very large place.  Those that offer a truly unique and desirable service 
will last and those that are offering another way to slice up the limited pie 
won't--  and will end up on the ash
of Internet redundancy entirely on their own. Those that did succeed, did so by 
offering real value and in an unselfish manner within many many manhours and 
personal expense to do so.

What I found is that people who take shortcuts don't succeed: those who rely 
too much on assumptions, those that don't take a thoughtful look at the true 
market for their service, those that overestimate their expertise and time 
committment, those that don't attempt a basic understanding of the meteorite 
science to understand the commodity.  Basically those who arrive thinking their 
personal marketing talents will overcome technical, knowledge, and cultural 
issues-- don't last over the long haul.  Perhaps potential members are jaded by 
all the flash-in-the night sky "dealers" so they come to accept those proven 
members only after a long time of watching how they behave.  I don't know of 
any shortcut to this period of watching and slowly winning people over. 

This community isn't a automobile dealership, it isn't a church, it isn't the 
Elks, it isn't a group of folks with a lot of mandated loyalty--it is a field 
where you are known by your reputation--reputation means everything to the 
majority of people.  You can't forge (as in fake ) those credentials ; you have 
to forge them (as in earn them) by hard work over time.  That seems to be the 
final obstacle to work through by those offering an alternative folks are 
willing sign up for.  I've probably been ignored, filtered, and moderated over 
the years more than 99% of the folks here so I I feel like I know much of the 
list from both sides.  I do wish any and everyone who is willing to go it for 
the long haul the best of success. If you promote it for the love of meteorites 
instead the love of self then you'll have a better shot at long term success.

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