Look, I just held a 3 kilo individual, broken into pieces, but fit back 
together. It looks to me and others here at the show like an H3. Plenty of 
chondrules actually, I am not sure why you guys can't see chondrules, the 
meteorite is chock-full of them. Very nice stone, certainly not an H5 or 6, 
could be H3 or 4 would be my guess, leaning toward 3. 

It is a nice meteorite, but it sure looks like a pile of it is in Tucson right 

By the way, Room 184 at the Inn Suites is OPEN! Moritz Karl, Eric Olsen, Jim 
Strope and myself are up and running. The weather is fine, and it looks like 
meteorites are a lot sparser this year than ever before. 
Look forward to seeing all who are coming. 
Michael Farmer
Meteorite-list mailing list

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