Hi Paul - 

Thanks ever so much for passing that information on.

You'll probably also be interested in learning that Gerte Keller manages 
somehow to place pieces every so often claiming that the Chicxulub impact 
didn't extinct the dinosaurs. My guess is that Morrison is refereeing.

In earlier times this type of piece would go up to the Cambridge Conference, be 
torn apart, and disposed of properly. It is extremely frustrating for me 
personally that that is no longer the case. 

I know you're just passing on news, so here's some more news: the acting NASA 
Administrator is standing in contempt of the Congress for failing to carry out 
the George Brown Jr. amendment. Hopefully that situation will end in about 2 to 
3 weeks, and Ares 1 and Ares 5 will too, in spite Thiokol's lobbying efforts. 

I hope I'm not being too DIRECT about this. Once again, I know you're just the 
messenger, and I sincerely thank you for your ongoing posts on impact research.

I'm going to go take something for my headache, and then take a nap, and try to 
forget about missing Tucson this year.

E.P. Grondine
Man and Impact in the Americas


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