
A July 11, 2008 bolide over Spain has its orbit traced.
It's from the Omicron Draconid meteor stream which
originated from a 1920 breakup of Comet C/1919 Q2
Metcalf. Unlike the usual tiny gravel and dust of meteor
streams, it is estimated to have been 2 tons or more,
and some of it could have reached the ground, it's
claimed. A good article and lots of photos at:

The press release on the upcoming paper is at:

The authors' orbit reconstruction and more photos at:

I found no reference on the List to this Spanish Bolide,
called the Bejar or Salamanca Bolide. Anyone who hunted
and retrieved a verified Chunk'O'Comet would immediately
have their Find moved to the Ten Most Important Meteorites
of All Time list.

Sterling K. Webb

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