> Apparently Greg is hunting with the right team and has been very
> successful.

What do you mean by "the right team", Jim? Here, on line at the other end of 
the big pond, with no actual field contacts, I am curiously reading about 
several teams out there - I am momentarily reading about Greg´s team, which you 
just quoted to be the "right" one, I am reading of Mike´s team, which 
apparently also is and has been successful over the past few days, then I am 
reading of Doug´s team, which seems to have had a lot of fun and success, and 
provided good video footage by the way with Doug´s TV interview and Rob 
Matson´s skillful backgroung comments. What the heck is (or better: what do you 
mean to be) the "right" team then, assuming that there are even more teams out 
there at the moment...???

Aren´t all of them "right", in a sense? I mean, does it make a difference for 
someone somehow, as long as this search is fun, and the results are good in 
terms of find qualities and quantities and friendly contacts with the local 
people there? Inquiring minds just want to know... :-)

All my best,
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