Hi Teddy,

Thank you for the West totals. I had actually posted my total finds and 
combined weight to the 
List a few days ago. I found 12 stones totaling 268 grams.

Best regards,
Greg Hupe

------- Original Message -------
From    : teddy applebaum[mailto:tiappleb...@gmail.com]
Sent    : 3/8/2009 6:28:36 PM
To      : meteorite-list@meteoritecentral.com
Cc      : 
Subject : RE: [meteorite-list] Updated west totals

 Hi list

A few list members pointed out some totals I missed, and also a few
more gave me up to date info on their totals (thanks!) so I included
this new information in the revised totals below. If anyone sends me
new info I will add it to the totals.

Rob Wesel: 9 stones, total: 255 g
Ruben Garcia: 15 stones’ total: unknown  (12.6g)
Patrick Thompson: 15 stones total: unknown
Mike Bandli: 6 stones, total:  53.715g
Micheal Cottingham: 18 stones, total: 286g
Micheal Farmer: 23 stones, total: 531.6
Greg Hupe: at least 1 stone, total: unknown (50g)
Eric Wichman: 1 stone, total: 6.7 grams
Jim Baxter 5.9g: from mike farmer
Robert Woolard: and son 7 stones, total: 407 grams
James Phillips: 4 stones, total: 36.3
Geoff Notkin: at least 13 stones, total: unknown (18.8g)
Mike Miller: 8 stones totaling: 365g (212g)
Del Waterbury: 5 stones totaling: 75.3g     (8g, 5,6g, 5.2g, 5.5g, 51g,)
Mike Morgan: 1 stone total: 13g
Keith and Dana Jenkerson: 4 stones, total: unknown
Mexico Doug and Rob Matson, Demi and Sergey: 12 stones, total: 280g+

Totals: 98 stones with known weights = 2396.915g  + at least 46 other
known stones lacking weights + unknown numbers from these hunters:

Jim Schade
Sonny Clary
John Sinclair
Steve Arnold
Shauna Russel
Robert Ward
Gary Curtiss
Matt Morgan

The 98 stones with known weights = 2396.915g, which averages out to
24.46g per stone.
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