Okay folks...I haven't been able to  post onto the meteorite list for at 
least three years. I'm on aol and one day I  discovered that none of my posts 
making it to the list. Several people  suggest that I send my posts in plain 
text, but to the life of me, I haven't  been able to figure out how to do 
that...until now. I accidentally stumbled onto  the solution this evening while 
trying to do something else. For those on aol  that may be having the same 
problem, this is what I did to be able to send  messages in plain text. I'm on 
9.1....okay try this:

In the  Send to: box, type the lists address as usual. That is:  
Do nothing else there. Then in the  Subject: box, title your message as usual 
and do nothing else.
In the message  body area, type your message as usual. When done, highlight 
the whole message  and then "RIGHT" click. You should get a whole list of 
things to do. Down near  the bottom you should see "COMPOSE AS PLAIN TEXT".     
Click  on that and you will suddenly notice the message take on a different 
Then  click on your SEND NOW button and that's it. Try it...good luck.
george zay  

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