Eric, I don't know what you agree with but I sell with 100% honesty. I have no 
west to sell. I do not see how it serves Mike Farmer to rant like this. I am 
(was) a good customer of his. I have many meteorites from him. I think he must 
be crazy. Like you said . you are not stupid. You are not going to buy into 
this Hammer crap. Good for you. I don't either. I collect based on material. I 
don't even need another  ordinary chondrite.  from West or East or places 
Carl Esparza
IMCA 5829

---- Meteorites USA <> wrote: 
> I have to agree with Mike. Use common sense, cut the crap definitions 
> and stop trying to up-sell the public with bogus hammer claims. Leave 
> the defining to the person who first used the term hammer.
> If I offend anyone with these remarks I invite your wrath with open 
> arms. Most people I'm sure would agree that a hammer is any single 
> meteorite (NOT AN ENTIRE FALL) that hit an inanimate man-made object or 
> structure, or living creature, humans included.
> If it crashes into or through a roof? HAMMER
> If it crashes into or through a wall? HAMMER
> If it crashes into or through a car? HAMMER
> If it crashes into or through a building? HAMMER
> If it lands on a golf course? NOT A HAMMER!
> If it hits a golf cart? HAMMER
> The point is this could go on forever. Let the buyer decide, and use 
> common sense in your marketing. Don't fabricate or exaggerate. How hard 
> is that to understand?
> Legal definitions are the freaking problem (not the term) as too often 
> these terms throw common sense to the wind and substitute it with BS!
> Regards,
> Eric
> Michael Farmer wrote:
> > Carl, you are a major part of this problem.
> > For example, you still keep selling Carancas on ebay quoting them as "Haag 
> > Collection" pieces. This is an outright lie! Bob told me last year that he 
> > asked you to stop doing that. Haag went to Carancas as a partner of yours, 
> > he brought back all the material and gave you your share, then he sold me 
> > the rest of his share. Now, you pretend that all of the pieces are from the 
> > Haag collection, simply becuase he had possesion of them for a hew hours. 
> > This is a tactic that "used-car" salesmen use and it is not true.  You are 
> > trying to get more $$$$ by dropping Bob's name.
> >
> > Now, this "hammer" issue is one and the same, a total crock of bullshit. 
> > Anyone with even the most simple common sense can tell when a meteorite 
> > impacts something that makes it stand out, then the "hammer" term makes 
> > sense. Hitting a dirt pile at a pond is BORING. Any collector who buys into 
> > that shit deserves to lose their money if they pay based on that being a 
> > "hammer". As I said before, there is nothing wrong with giving as much data 
> > about where each stone was found and it is great that this particular piece 
> > was found by Steve's wife on a pond dam. If you try to sell me that piece 5 
> > years from now, and try to get me to pay more for that fact, I will laugh 
> > you out of the house.
> > Now, if you have a housesmasher, I would be much more interested.
> > By the way, I have great photos of the West househitter and embedded 
> > shingle fragments in the stone. I am keeing the location secret, as I want 
> > the stone. There are at least  7 people on this list in my group who saw 
> > that stone.
> >
> > If you have to explain why you consider the stone as a hammer, then it 
> > likely is not one. To scrape the bottom of the barrel in pretending every 
> > other stone a hammer is killing this business.
> >
> > Michael Farmer
> >
> > --- On Wed, 3/18/09, <> wrote:
> >
> >   
> >> From: <>
> >> Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] Dam Hammer
> >> To:,, "Michael 
> >> Farmer" <>
> >> Date: Wednesday, March 18, 2009, 12:34 PM
> >> Okay Michael.
> >> Now you added this to the equation;
> >> --"An earthen dam while yes, scraped by man, is still just
> >> dirt. No damage could be 
> >> done to it."
> >> Now are you saying damage has to be done to it????
> >> How much damage was done to the guys roof and do you have
> >> photos to prove it???
> >> Not that we don't trust you but if you insist damage must
> >> be done then lets see the damage?
> >> And by the way if these are hammers or not hammers this is
> >> not going to send your business down the drain unless you
> >> let it. Everyone seems to have an opinion here but the use
> >> of the word stupid by Greg is uncalled for. Michael Blood
> >> will clear this up without any name calling. 
> >> I hope. Carl
> >>
> >>  -- Michael Farmer <>
> >> wrote: 
> >>     
> >>> Yes, I saw that the email was mostly a joke, and
> >>>       
> >> congrats on the stone. 
> >>     
> >>> But we must get this under control. A pile of dirt is
> >>>       
> >> nothing more than a pile of dirt. Carl seems to think that
> >> anything touched by man would make a meteorite a "hammer
> >> stone". This is a crock of crap, and while I ignored this
> >> discussion a couple of weeks ago, I can not sit back and
> >> watch my business go down the drain by trying to lump every
> >> stone as a hammer. I know of one hammer in West, a 124 gram
> >> stone hit a house, bounced off and landed in the yard. The
> >> homeowner picked it up and the stone has shingles embedded
> >> in it. I am still trying to buy the stone, but the owner has
> >> money and really has no interest in selling it. That is a
> >> hammer stone. It is the only hammer stone I know of from
> >> West, that is definitive.
> >>     
> >>> We can not allow people to continue to demean
> >>>       
> >> meteorites by attempting to say that dirt roads and
> >> driveways make hammer stones. 
> >>     
> >>> Smash a car, computer printer, rooftop, or cow and you
> >>>       
> >> have a hammer. 
> >>     
> >>> An earthen dam while yes, scraped by man, is still
> >>>       
> >> just dirt. No damage could be done to it. A stone landing in
> >> the dirt 20 feet away but not on the dam is no different
> >> that a stone on the dam.
> >>     
> >>> Michael Farmer
> >>>
> >>> --- On Wed, 3/18/09,
> >>>       
> >> <>
> >> wrote:
> >>     
> >>>> From:
> >>>>         
> >> <>
> >>     
> >>>> Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] Dam Hammer
> >>>> To:,
> >>>>         
> >>
> >>     
> >>>> Date: Wednesday, March 18, 2009, 12:01 PM
> >>>> In a message dated 3/18/2009 12:50:33
> >>>> P.M. Central Daylight Time,  
> >>>>
> >>>> writes:
> >>>>
> >>>> Um, I hope this is a joke, as far as calling it
> >>>>         
> >> a
> >>     
> >>>> hammer.  
> >>>>
> >>>> .
> >>>>
> >>>> Mike and all,
> >>>>
> >>>> While I will leave the interpretation of 
> >>>>         
> >> "hammer" up
> >>     
> >>>> to the beholder, the 
> >>>> post was indeed more of a joke, or double 
> >>>>         
> >> entendre
> >>     
> >>>> .  But it did hit the dam.  
> >>>> And my "congrats" going out to my  wife was not
> >>>>         
> >> a
> >>     
> >>>> joke, that was sincere. 
> >>>>
> >>>> I am NOT asking a premium on this  rock above
> >>>>         
> >> any of
> >>     
> >>>> the others I am selling, 
> >>>> just because it hit the dam.   
> >>>>
> >>>> Although since it was found AFTER the heavy
> >>>>         
> >> rains, I am
> >>     
> >>>> actually  discounting 
> >>>> it below what I would be selling it for if it was
> >>>>         
> >> picked up
> >>     
> >>>> earlier,  as I am 
> >>>> with all the Post-rain recovery specimens.  
> >>>>
> >>>> Steve
> >>>>   
> >>>> **************Great Deals on Dell 15" Laptops -
> >>>>         
> >> Starting at
> >>     
> >>>> $479 
> >>>> (
> >>>>
> >>>>
> >>>>         
> >>> ______________________________________________
> >>>
> >>> Meteorite-list mailing list
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>       
> > ______________________________________________
> >
> > Meteorite-list mailing list
> >
> >
> >
> >   
> -- 
> Regards,
> Eric Wichman
> Meteorites USA
> 904-236-5394
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