The difference between proud Tom and the Three Stooges is that the latter jokes with fictional characters. I'm not that amused by either of them and I understand Anne if she doesn't want to be associated with proud Tom.

Göran Axelsson

Mark Grossman wrote:

Read my email carefully.

"I don't know who Proud Tom is - he is before my time, but these, as well as
other often personal attacks and offensive remarks do not serve the image of
the list, the collectors, the dealers or members at large very well at all."

The personal attacks and offensive remarks I am referring to are the many,
many remarks I have observed on this list for over a year or so.  So the
debate about someone named Proud Tom emerging as one of the most important
topics on the meteorite discussion list today comes as no surprise to me.

Why do you think this list is called the "Big Scary List" in other parts of
the meteoritic world?

So you are right Michael.  I suggest that the list members follow your lead
and take the next few days to really, really discuss if the Three Stooges
are Cheech and Chong are offensive.    Sounds like something that's very
important to you.

Discussion of the Three Stooges/Cheech and Chong and their relation to Proud
Tom - sounds like another great topic for the world's largest meteorite

Mark Grossman

----- Original Message ----- From: "Michael Blood" <>
To: "Ed Deckert" <>; "Anne Black" <>;
"Meteorite List" <>
Sent: Sunday, March 29, 2009 9:19 PM
Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] Ed, Dean, Anne & Proud Tom Call !

Dear Dean & Ed,
        Proud Tom is NOT on the meteorite list. He did
Not post to the meteorite list (at least not in a very
Long time).
        I offered to send anyone who WANTED a PDF
Of his humor to contact me OFF LIST. Indeed, I stated
That it may not be everyone's cup of tea - and if it isn't,
Then don't get the PDF.
        It is great that 3 or 4 of you have had the time and energy
To post your opinion (which has now given Proud Tom
FAR more list time than my little post) but that in no way
Validates your position that implies somehow the rest of
Us should not enjoy a good laugh at ourselves. (In fact,
A good deal of the roasting is of the Hupes (Adam asked
For a copy) and me (I laughed out loud in several places).
        This is like stating I shouldn't laugh at Cheech & Chong
Because they trivialize and even promote the evils of marijuana!
        Somehow several dozens of people have written me OFF
LIST (which Is fine) touting "long live Proud Tom" or the like
and stating that if people can't laugh at themselves, something
is out of line.
        In any event, I fully support all 4 of you NOT to get
The PDF and NOT to read the PDF. However, if I and
Many dozens of others do choose to do so, frankly,
I don't see how it is any of your business at all.
          Y'all can watch the 3 stooges all you want and
I promise not to say a thing about it - I just won't watch
Them myself.
        Best wishes, Michael
PS: Mark Grossman, Tom's remarks WERE circulated "off list" -
in addition if you haven't read Proud Tom, how could you
Possibly form an opinion as to whether or not he engages
in personal "attacks" and "offensive remarks?" While I am
Personally offended by the Three Stooges, does that make
Them "offensive?"

From: Ed Deckert <>
Date: Sun, 29 Mar 2009 21:37:10 -0400
To: Michael Blood <>, Anne Black <>,
List <>
Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] Anne Black & Proud Tom Call !

I think that Anne has a perfectly valid point.  "Proud Tom" really does
have a place on the met list.  At the very least, it violates one of the
list rules - "Be courteous and professional at all times."  The Proud
"Roasting Humor" crosses that line.

At the same time, it does not make us look good.  Here we are worrying
the image of meteorite dealers because of fraudulent auctions of
meteorwrongs on ebay - but not worrying about the image we may project
on this list.

So, the Roasting Humor of Proud Tom can certainly have its place, but in
better place, off-list.

Best Regards,


PS - I am a Three Stooges Fan, but I respect your opinon of them.

----- Original Message -----
From: "Michael Blood" <>
To: "Anne Black" <>; "Meteorite List"
Sent: Sunday, March 29, 2009 5:50 PM
Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] Anne Black & Proud Tom Call !

Hi Anne,
       Of  course I will remove you from my friends page if
That is what you truly wish.
       You say there is nothing wrong with your sense of humor,
Yet you do not hesitate to severely criticize the humor of
       I do not care one iota for the Three Stooges. However, I
Accept that I am in the great minority and do not judge those
Who enjoy such shenanigans, though it is completely beyond
My comprehension. They poke one another in the eyes, hit one
Another with hammers - they are a veritable concoction of hostility,
Aggression and violence (though I have never said that before, but
Just to give voice in the same way you do in your reaction to
the roasting humor of Proud Tom)
       Do be aware that Proud Tom is also a part
Of  The List and even the IMCA. Will you withdraw from
Them as well? Many of your friends enjoy Proud Tom. Will
You "disown" them, as well? Do you want to be off their
List of friends?
       Throughout my life, whenever someone demanded that
I choose between them and another friend, there is never a
Question in my mind - they, themselves are choosing not to
Be my friend. I always feel an attempt at blackmail is being
Foisted upon me. So, tell me Anne, since the list consensus runs
AT LEAST 10 to one in terms of enjoying Proud Tom, are you
Going to disown all those friends? Or, are you saving that just
For me? If so, why?
       Does your lack of appreciation dictate no one else can
Enjoy the humor that does not strike your funny bone?
       Best wishes, Michael

From: Anne Black <>
Date: Sun, 29 Mar 2009 17:19:40 EDT
To: Michael Blood <>, Meteorite List
Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] Proud Tom Call !


There is nothing wrong with my sense of humor, believe me, or ask my
But this is not humor, this is a thinly veiled excuse to insult people
their backs, and it reflects poorly on the whole Meteorite Community.

Please take it off-List.
And please remove my picture from your Friends page. I will not be
with this kind of buffoonery.

Anne M. Black
Vice-President, I.M.C.A. Inc.

In a message dated 3/29/2009 2:30:32 PM Mountain Daylight Time, writes:
The Proud Tom PDFs I sent around have
Garnished a gaggle of fans laughing their
A** off. There is a plea for Proud Tom to
Make yet another post - it seems his web
Site was the most popular and keeps him
Out of the sites of those who have a problem
With every one being roasted!
Howsabout it, Big Guy? Won't you
PLEASE respond to your countless fans and
Give us some more Proud Tom buffoonery!
Best wishes, Michael
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