Thanks for sharing your experience and views. Your comments really struck home for me. Many of us tend to think because we all live in the USA that things are not that different a few hundred miles in one direction or another. During the 1970s I hitch hiked and hopped freight trains to see the US. The south was a harsh dichotomy. On one hand, I met some of the nicest most trusting people who opened their homes to me. On the other hand, I was shot at, assaulted with bottles from passing cars, harassed and chased by law enforcement. It was a quick lesson in cultural differences. While I was not officially collecting meteorites back then, I learned very quickly that wandering far from urban areas was done at great risk. I have literally dozens of stories which people have a difficult time believing, but your recent experience tells me that in many areas not much has changed. This is why I eventually tried to restrict my travels to as close to the coast as possible. Hopefully, others on this list will take your warning seriously and not venture into any area for which they don't have permission or any place that doesn't want us. I for one am content to let residents of the stone age keep to themselves.

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