George, All,
I agree - it sounds good (something *is* better than nothing), but the
trouble is that we simply ran into a brick wall with many of them.
We'd call and they'd just say 'not interested' and hang up.  Or tell
us that it was private property and to shove off.
Admittedly, we only had the local police called on us once - but that
was for looking for meteorites on public grassy land outside of a
fenced-off public water-storage facility.  Apparently they thought we
were going to poison the wells, or some such thing...
The simple unwillingness of the locals to even talk to us was
something I've never seen before.
The flier we left in a local convenience store was even removed
shortly after we put it was simply open hostility.

On Thu, Apr 2, 2009 at 4:34 PM, George Blahun Jr <> wrote:
> Jason et. al.
>     Did anyone offer to act as a broker?  Rather than paying outright, have
> a contract stating the total number of grams retrieved and a percentage for
> selling them.  I know most hunters would rather own what they sell, but it
> beats leaving specimens to weather in the field.
> George
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