
You said:

"I thank you for the detailed explanation,  but I still have issue with your 
idea that a land owner would owe you an  explanation other than "No" when 
asked to search their property."

When I clearly stated in my last post:

"Does he have an  obligation to tell me why he said no?  Of course not.  And 
did I even  imply that he was obligated to?  But if you don't ask, often you 
don't get  an answer."
So why do you still think that I think he OWES me an  explanation?  
I don't think he owes me to let me hunt on his land, but I still ask.
He didn't owe me an explanation, but I still asked for one.
Besides, if someone owes you something, you demand, you don't ask. 
I didn't demand anything, I just asked.  I wasn't rude. He wasn't  rude.  He 
didn't kick me off his driveway. He didn't even ask me to  leave nor did he 
end the conversation.  We had a short, 3 minute talk,  then I left when it was 
evident he didn't care if meteorites would be  lost.  Maybe if I offered him 
$10,000 in exchange for hunting, he might  have become interested.  Then again, 
if he had a $500,000 "crop" out in the  trees growing, $10,000 for hunting 
privileges wouldn't have probably interested  him either.  
I didn't waste his whole day, he was doing some work, and he kept working  
while I was talking.  
Now, maybe someone talked with him before I did and offended him  in such a 
way that he was sour to not me personally, but to "meteorite hunters"  in 
general.  That could have been the case.  And it was, I would  have loved to 
found that out.  
But since he didn't say that, or give any reason, I just don't know.  

Besides, I ended up hunting on one of his neighbors ground the next day  
where we found the 1,673g specimen the day before the rains, so maybe it was a  
blessing that he said "No," and that he didn't tell me why, and that I didn't  
overcome his objections?  
Then again, I might have changed his mind and I might have found 5 kilo  rock 
on his ground instead.  
Who knows?  It is all "water under the bridge", or should I say "rocks  under 
the mud" now.
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