>>I have to agree with you on Meteor  Crater not being accessible for
prospecting.  A person or business  should not be able to own a major
geological feature and deny access and/or  use rights to everyone else.
It's wrong on a deep level. <<

It  would be even more wrong for everyone having use rights to something I 
view as  being a National Treasure at least. Meteor Crater is just that unique 
to be  protected from that never ending stream of meteorite hunters. After 
seeing how  things that are run by governments get runned down, I'm glad to see 
private  enterprise is doing the overseeing. If folks were allowed to search 
for  meteorites in and around Meteor Crater, it probably wouldn't take too many 
years  for the place to look a mess. Trails and dirt roads coming from all 
directions  leading to dug out holes all over the place. 

>> I guess someone  will be purchasing the
Mississippi River next and telling the rest of us to  get our boats out
of it. ;)<<

Probably not, but if someone did,  most likely you'll still be paying the 
same boating fees as before. But I'm sure  the government has this river 
regulated already. So we now have inadequate  levees, dikes and what have you 
to take 
care of flooding. 


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