Hello fellow list members.  I understand that even though the price per gram 
for this amazing meteorite is low that the total amount is beyond many 
collector's budgets for a single specimen. Still, please check out the listing 
on EBay if you haven't already. The pictures are really fun to look at and one 
photograph shows an impressive vesicle that measures over one centimeter in 
diameter. Although not in this main mass fragment, there are vesicles in 
D'Orbigny that are over 2.5 centimeters in diameter! D'Orbigny also contains 
huge olivine clasts, smokey colored volcanic glass inclusions, vugs filled with 
beautiful augite crystals and a matrix filled with this porous crystalline 
structure and glass lined vesicles. Patrick and I are hoping that this specimen 
remains intact. There are several institutions showing an interest in acquiring 
this piece. It would be great to see this specimen makes it's way to a major 
public display. Please write off list to etmeteori...@hotmail.com 
 if you have any questions about D'Orbigny.

Thanks and have a great weekend, 



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