I found this in the description section of MetBase, and may be this is also the 
text in the BMNH catalog (P.S. donĀ“t have that one available for lookup here at 
my secondary place to live)...:

"Station workers observed a fireball in October 1960 while opening a gate in 
the boundary fence on the Millbillillie-Jundee track and an object appeared to 
fell 'with sparks coming off it' into a spinifex plain to their north. No 
search was initiated at that time, but in 1970 and 1971 the first two 
specimens, the larger one weighing 20kg, were found..."

...so from this info, and the info that 20 kg are in the Perth museum, I would 
conclude it is very probable that the stone pictured weighs 20 kg and is one of 
the first two finds of 1970/1971. [Btw: interesting they obviously did not look 
for fallen meteorites in that place for a whole decade].


> Aloha - 
> Alas, the mass of the rocks presented at the museum were not listed on the
> labels, and for some reason there was a pane of glass between me and the
> rock, so I couldn't pick it up or weigh it :-).... (for the bigger irons,
> there wasn't any glass :-) )
> There must be a list somewhere at the museum. Anyone in Perth?
> cheers - ted
> --- On Thu, 5/7/09, Alexander Seidel <g...@gmx.net> wrote:
> > From: Alexander Seidel <g...@gmx.net>
> > Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] Rocks from Space Picture of the Day - May
> 7, 2009
> > Date: Thursday, May 7, 2009, 12:42 AM
> > > http://www.rocksfromspace.org/May_7_2009.html
> > 
> > Wow, what a stone! They have 20 kg in Perth, according
> > to MetBase. I wonder whether it is all in this single
> > specimen. Does anyone know the mass of the stone pictured? 
> > Ted?
> > 
> > Best,
> > Alex
> > Berlin/Germany
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