Hi Jason,
  Believe me when I tell you, I understand the "law of supply and demand".  My 
main point is that there are some hunter/dealers who are definitely more 
reasonable than others.  I have what I consider to be some very nice specimens 
in my rather small collection.  The people who sold them to me did so at 
reasonable, fair prices.  Some I bought as "Buy Nows" and some I bid for.  I 
always did well on the bid items.  I always won and the price was right.  I 
made the mistake of saying on the List that I would always wait until the last 
second to place my bid.  That is what instigated the rather rude dealer to 
address me as "Mr. Tight Ass" and  I believe he said that people like me should 
be "shot" or "hung"...I can't remember which.  Unfortunately, he is typical of 
many here on the List.  This is not a blanket statement.  I have wrtten to and 
dealt with some very amiable and fair people, who not only sent me meteorites, 
but also much information and encouragement.  I only wish that
  there were more like that here.
  Best regards,
                Greg Lindh

> Date: Sun, 17 May 2009 21:54:57 -0700
> Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] AD - Lunar available for sale
> From: meteorite...@gmail.com
> To: gee...@msn.com; meteorite-list@meteoritecentral.com
> Hola Greg,
> Interesting point, but kind of moot; while you are correct in stating
> that Adam is assuming relatively little financial risk in listing
> items with starting bids of $0.99, if you have problems with the
> prices they're fetching, the people you should be complaining to are
> collectors, not him. In this case, he's not the one setting the
> price.
> But then I suppose the question would be - if dealers are artificially
> inflating prices - and then collectors are believing that these rocks
> are actually worth that much - who's to blame? Do you blame the
> masses for their ignorance? Or do you blame the people trying to sell
> them at $1,000/g in the first place? It's a collector's market, Greg,
> and in this case, supply seems to be pretty much at the level of
> demand. Lunars are listed for that much - and they sell, so prices
> clearly aren't too high. I'd like it if they were lower, but things
> being what they are...well, they are what they are. I personally
> wouldn't pay $1,000/g for a Lunar, so I don't buy them. The one small
> slice we did buy (ever) was at $650/g, which is a price I consider to
> be fair, even considering that the monzogabbro NWA 4734 was initially
> being sold for $250/g directly from Morocco. I know because I edited
> the original seller's email to the met-list and forwarded it for him.*
> To that end, you're asking over four times the original asking price
> of the material you're selling. I wonder where the money went...
> Regards,
> Jason
> *In retrospect, his asking price was $250/g. The selling price,
> especially for larger specimens, was undoubtedly less.
> On Sun, May 17, 2009 at 9:37 PM, GREG LINDH wrote:
>> Adam,
>> Look, I understand that you're a big time hunter/dealer. I'm just a
>> relatively new collector who has had to put my collecting on hold due to the
>> "fantastic economy". So, I don't claim to know nearly as much as you as far
>> as values, etc... But, right now, you have a 362 mg Dhofar 910 lunar which
>> started out at $.99 and has already been bid up several times so that the
>> bid now stands at $152.50. The time remaining until the auction ends is 1
>> day, 18hours. As far as I'm concerned, the most important fact follows.
>> Everyone knows that the real action as far as bidding is concerned takes
>> place in the last 30 seconds of the auction. Right? So, let's say that the
>> bidding keeps rising between now and the end of the countdown. Who knows
>> how high it will have gotten to by the time you have 30 seconds left. I can
>> only assume from past experience that it will be higher than the present
>> $152.50. Then, during that last 30 seconds of the auction things will
>> really begin to pop. In the end, your "Very Last", "Rare" meteorite will
>> have sold for what? I think a whole bunch more than $.99. Right? So, just
>> saying that you put up lunar meteorites for $.99 is really meaningless. You
>> know that the bidding will drive the price up into the stratosphere.
>> The same thing can be said for your NWA 5000 (a spectacular meteorite, by
>> the way). It started at $.99, but its already up to $331.00. The time
>> remaining until the end of that auction is 1 day, 17 hours. Again, my guess
>> is that it will continue to rise in price over the next day or so, reach the
>> 30 second mark and then once again, its price will explode. So, once again,
>> the $.99 beginning price is meaningless.
>> As I said earlier, I'm just a small time collector. Once, I discussed the
>> way the bidding process works here on the List about 2 years ago, and I had
>> a dealer at that time write to me and give me a rather uncharitable lecture.
>> In his emails to me, he didn't address me as "Greg". No, no, he addressed
>> me as "Mr. Tight Ass". He said that I should be happy to bid multiple times
>> and very high so that he and other dealers would be able to stay in
>> business. Personally, I found his "reasoning" to be a bit disingenuous.
>> When he goes into to buy a car, and the dealer says, this car cost $30,000,
>> I wonder if he would say to the dealer, "No, no, here let me help you out.
>> I wouldn't want you to go out of business, so I'm going to give you $80,000
>> for the car." Yeah, right!
>> I've observed a few things in my time perusing this List over the past
>> couple of years. One of the more important things is that there are some
>> dealers who seem to give a more fair deal than others.
>> I'm not going to put you into a category, one way or the other. I'll just
>> say that I have found some dealers who have treated me with respect (a rare
>> treat, indeed), and have also priced their goods in such a way that I was
>> able to buy a few nice pieces.
>> For what it's worth, that's the way I see things here.
>> Regards,
>> Greg Lindh
>> ----- Original Message -----
>> From: "Adam Hupe" 
>> To: "Adam" 
>> Sent: Sunday, May 17, 2009 3:55 PM
>> Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] AD - Lunar available for sale
>> How is this gouging people, over a $1,000.00 worth of lunar material started
>> at just 99 cents? This material has been running long before this
>> conversation started.
>> http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=140320408963
>> http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=200341681245
>> I have several auctions running, all started at just 99 cents. Let the buyer
>> decide who is or is not gouging as this is a ridiculous statement when it
>> comes to me and has no merit whatsoever.
>> Best Regards,
>> Adam
>> --- On Sun, 5/17/09, GREG LINDH wrote:
>>> From: GREG LINDH 
>>> Subject: RE: [meteorite-list] AD - Lunar available for sale
>>> To: raremeteori...@yahoo.com
>>> Cc: "meteorite-list" 
>>> Date: Sunday, May 17, 2009, 3:25 PM
>>> Adam,
>>> Actually, it has *everything* to do with
>>> competition. There are those on this List, though they
>>> be few in number, who don't gouge their customers when they
>>> sell a meteorite. Too many dealers charge outrageous
>>> prices for similar products. Inevitably, I read posts
>>> from the high priced dealers putting down those dealers who
>>> give a better bargain.
>>> I'll say it again, it has everything to do
>>> with competion. As one who has limited financial
>>> resources, I have always appreciated those dealers who give
>>> a good product, while charging a *fair* price.
>>> Sometimes I have to laugh and just shake my head when I see
>>> some of the "deals" being offered by the more unreasonable,
>>> high charging dealers.
>>> Greg Lindh
>>>> Date: Sun, 17 May 2009 09:27:25 -0700
>>>> From: raremeteori...@yahoo.com
>>>> To: meteorite-list@meteoritecentral.com
>>>> Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] AD - Lunar available for
>>> sale
>>>> This has nothing to do with competition. It has
>>> everything to do with proper chain of custody, legitimate
>>> nomenclature assignment, TKW figures, science and collector
>>> confidence. Just because a Moroccan dealer says something is
>>> a lunar meteorite does not make it so. Just ask the buyers
>>> who got ripped off in Tucson this year and the year before.
>>> There have been some very convincing lunar-looking Eucrites
>>> that have fooled some of the best. There was an embarrassing
>>> incident where a scientist claimed something was lunar
>>> before running all of the tests and it turned out to be a
>>> Eucrite. Many dealers had to recall the material after being
>>> in a hurry to put it on the market.
>>>> To put things in perspective, Luniates are considered
>>> the top of the meteorite collectibles chain every since the
>>> article, "Mining for Meteorites" in the Smithsonian magazine
>>> stated so. Only advanced mineral collections incorporate
>>> Meteorite specimens. A mineral specimen is worth a fraction
>>> of its cost if the find location and history are not known.
>>>> Advanced mineral collectors would be appalled by what
>>> has happened with Martian meteorites and self-pairings. One
>>> well-known dealer purchased material from a Moroccan who
>>> stated it was paired to one of our stones. We publicly
>>> objected to this dealer using nomenclature assigned to our
>>> stones so he sent a piece in for study. It turned out to be
>>> a completely new Martian meteorite that was almost lost to
>>> science.
>>>> I would dislike seeing Lunar meteorites being treated
>>> the same as some Martian meteorites. Total known weights
>>> have been carefully recorded to this point and it would be a
>>> shame to lose control.
>>>> I congratulate anybody who is able to acquire lunar
>>> material, have it Laboratory confirmed and pass the
>>> Meteoritical Society Nomenclature Committee for name
>>> assignment. It would demonstrate proper respect for some of
>>> the world's rarest material. Anything less is a disservice.
>>> Dealers are not allowed to rate their own diamonds or coins
>>> so why should meteorites that are much more rare be any
>>> different?
>>>> Best Regards,
>>>> Adam
>>>> --- On Sun, 5/17/09, Galactic Stone &
>>> Ironworks wrote:
>>>>> From: Galactic Stone & Ironworks
>>>>> Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] AD - Lunar available
>>> for sale
>>>>> To: "Greg Catterton"
>>>>> Cc: meteorite-list@meteoritecentral.com
>>>>> Date: Sunday, May 17, 2009, 8:32 AM
>>>>> Be careful Greg, now that you are
>>>>> offering planetaries at reasonable
>>>>> prices, you are going to be viewed as competition
>>> by the
>>>>> big guys -
>>>>> then they will start stabbing you in the
>>> back. Those
>>>>> who are driven
>>>>> by money are threatened by those like us who don't
>>> give a
>>>>> crap about
>>>>> profits. ;)
>>>>> Nice lunar. If I wasn't already sitting on
>>> my fair
>>>>> share of lunars,
>>>>> I'd buy a piece.
>>>>> Good luck.
>>>>> Best regards
>>>>> MikeG
>>>>> On 5/17/09, Greg Catterton
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>> Not once did I ever say to anyone it came from
>>> you.
>>>>> Anyone who claims I did,
>>>>>> I invite them post the email where I made
>>> that
>>>>> claim...
>>>>>> I am sending a sample off to be tested Monday
>>> to Tony
>>>>> Irving and the test
>>>>>> results will speak for themselves as to what
>>> this is -
>>>>> however Im sure
>>>>>> anyone can see the picture of what I have:
>>>>>> http://i27.photobucket.com/albums/c165/jedisdiamond/DSCF1732.jpg
>>>>>> and compare it with this:
>>>>>> http://www.meteoritemarket.com/NWA4734-596A.jpg
>>>>>> I want to state for the record, I am selling
>>> this for
>>>>> less becouse I dont
>>>>>> need to get rich off selling it. I dont sell
>>>>> meteorites to make a living,
>>>>>> pay for cars or houses... I sell them to help
>>> increase
>>>>> my personal
>>>>>> collection.
>>>>>> I know what I paid for this and if the others
>>> who have
>>>>> this paid anywhere
>>>>>> close to what I did, they could sell it for
>>> half what
>>>>> they do and still
>>>>>> triple the money they put into it - even with
>>> cutting
>>>>> loss.
>>>>>> I know who I got it from is honest and
>>> reliable as for
>>>>> the authenticity.
>>>>>> That said, I wont sell anymore until testing
>>> is done,
>>>>> but when it is, I will
>>>>>> sell it for well under $1,200 per gram...
>>>>>> Greg C.
>>>>>> --- On Sun, 5/17/09, habibi abdelaziz
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>> From: habibi abdelaziz
>>>>>>> Subject: AD - Lunar available for sale
>>>>>>> To: "meteorite list"
>>>>>>> Cc: star_wars_collec...@yahoo.com
>>>>>>> Date: Sunday, May 17, 2009, 3:32 AM
>>>>>>> hi greg
>>>>>>> this material is not from me ,
>>> however
>>>>> it looks like
>>>>>>> the monzoggabro,
>>>>>>> but i m not sur is it isone from photo
>>>>>>> aziz
>>>>>>> habibi aziz
>>>>>>> box 70 erfoud 52200 morroco
>>>>>>> phone. 21235576145
>>>>>>> fax.21235576170
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>>>>> --
>>> .........................................................
>>>>> Michael Gilmer (Louisiana, USA)
>>>>> Member of the Meteoritical Society.
>>>>> Member of the Bayou Region Stargazers Network.
>>>>> Websites - http://www.galactic-stone.com and
>>>>> http://www.glassthrower.com
>>> ..........................................................
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