This seller is Stan, note selling meteorites and laser equipment.
This is one of the worst con-men I have ever seen, he has spent time in prison 
for stealing laser equipment from his own university in Florida, and has stolen 
HUNDREDS of thousands of $$$ in meteorites from many list members, French, 
Italian, German, Russian, American etc. He has stolen nearly a million $ from 
other laser people who have contacted me. 
He stole a $5000 meteorite slice from Jim Strope and I.
I have police reports I can send if you want to see them.

I see that some list members are buying from this thief! You are likely buying 
stolen meteorites. The IMCA seem powerless to stop Stan, so I am warning the 
If you support this criminal, then you can please stop buying from me.
Michael Farmer

Meteorite-list mailing list

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