Interesting question

Not Nininger, he was hardly a hunter in the big scheme of things, while 
unrivaled at networking, he to my knowledge only found one new meteorite 
himself called "Cottonwood". He did find thousands of Canyon Diablo meteorites, 
but that was not hard at that time.
He used newspapers and speeches to recover meteorites from farmers and he did 
travel far and wide to collect any meteorite that was found. He is the father 
of American and really all modern day meteorites but not a really big hunter.

I would say that the Russian groups are the best as far as tonnage goes. 
I don't consider Antarctic searchers in the same way since the hunters are all 
part of a large organized group and they do not fund themselves. It is easy to 
hunt if governments are spending millions of $$$ to back you up. You apply, and 
are told where to go and flown there.

Those of us who hunt on our own take our lumps and failures in our bank 
accounts, we pay our own bills and when successful we rightly reap the rewards.
I know many people, myself among them, who have been to nearly every continent, 
some of the scariest and most dangerous countries on earth in search of 
meteorites, recovering hundreds of new and old falls, finds and desert rocks. 
We are all great hunters, there is not likely one who would stand over the 
Michael Farmer
Meteorite-list mailing list

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