Ok, actually when I think Meteorite Hunter; I think of: Haag, Farmer, Arnold, Cottingham, Blood, countless nameless Moroccans, Wilson, Garcia, Notkin, The Russkies, Svend, Sonny, Kilgore, Casper, Strope, The Antarcticans, The Hupe boys, Bob Evans, Aziz, Hmani, Lang, Ferrell, Reed, Pitt, Bessey, Elton, Edwin, several different Erics, Bruno, Cressey, Foote, several Gregs, Hanno, Hans, Jan, the two Jasons, Jerry, all the Jims, Humphries, and Kashuba. These are the people I think of. But then again, I get most of my information from the List. I'm sure there are many more I'm forgetting, but rightly or wrongly these are the people that come to mind when I think: Meteorite Hunter.

Phil Whitmer
Meteorite-list mailing list

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