
I don't disagree with you on most  of what you said.

I just don't think that getting one's panties in a wad  because someone 
would want to know if they spotted your car somewhere is the  huge "ethics 
violation" that you make it out to be. 

Maybe others would  think it is.  I don't. I just shared my opinion.


In  a message dated 7/17/2009 2:13:26 P.M. Central Daylight Time,  
meteorite...@yahoo.com writes:


There are a few differences  in these situations.

1. West was a free for all, I merely drove a mile  down the road and found 
5 or 6 cars and lots of hunters sitting beside the road,  not exactly James 
Bond level work (I know them all) so I stopped. I was not out  looking for 
you. And there were about 50 hunters in the strewnfield at that  time, all we 
were doing was expanding the known area.

2. I was not  begging people to give your vehicle information so I could 
spy on you.  

3. This is not a free for all strewnfield yet, and Carl in that email  was 
making offers, that if those he asked gave him my car data, he would make it 
 worth their information.

4. Carl is acting like the searching for my  vehicle is meteorite hunting 
as opposed to taking eyewitness reports, driving  all over southern Arizona, 
taking aziumuths with compasses, and triangulating  this fall, which is what 
Jack did. Homework paid off, he did not stoop to merely  looking for the 

Steve, I wanted your data on your West stones  more for total known weight 
and number of stones found more than coordinates. I  knew where you were the 
whole time, and respected your location and me or people  with me never 
hunted where you were. There is some respect involved  actually.

If hunters did their homework and showed up in the  strewnfield, that is 
one thing, but to resort to spying on me, that is pitiful,  like I said. 
I guess I have to watch for cars waiting at my gate from now  on. Taking 
the shortcut is the way of a lazy person. 

Steve, there are  differences in these situations. 
thanks by the way on your congrats for the  stone I found, I sent a reply 
but with the wrong email so it did not go  through.

I feel that am IMCA member is acting in a way that is wrong,  and Anne 
seems to agree. 

Michael Farmer  

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