On Fri, 24 Jul 2009 13:58:35 -0700, you wrote:
>And for those of you who're asking yourselves "Who the hell does he 
>think he is?" my answer to you is...

Apparently, you think you are Art.  If, as the owner of the list, he allows
these sporadic flare-ups to happen, well-- that's the final word right there.
It is none of place to DEMAND how he moderate the list.  These things have
happened every once in a while in all the years I've been on the list (sometimes
I wisely stay back, others I not so wisely wade in-- guess which this is?).
This IS "the old list."  Sorry it doesn't fit your needs for marketing your web
sites to your customers, but I'm not worried about the list being "chewed up and
spit out" and "impending doom" (I assume from some web forum you set up?)
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